The Big Thing to Learn: All Decisions Have Consequences. Thought leader Simon Sinek says that one of the things that businesses experience when they hire younger workers–Millennials and Gen-Zers–is dealing with the results of a failed parenting experiment....
Should Former CEOs Join the Board? The answer is more complicated than you might think. It’s become common practice that when CEOs leave their position, it’s assumed that they will continue with the company as a member of its board–maybe even as...
Successful People Know That There Are Six Kinds of Power That You Can Earn in An Organization and Only A Few of Them Are Given By The Company. What kind of power do you have in your organization? And by that I mean can you get other people to do what you want them to?...
You Might Not Want the Sale If You Can’t Protect Your Profit Margin. Anytime you’re selling, you’re trying to balance the price you’re asking for with the amount of value you’re providing your customer. If you want to get the highest...
Why is Succession Planning So Important? Why should you think about succession planning? Why is it important? Let’s go back and talk about the evolution of CEO behaviors regarding how they engage with the company. In the beginning, you are a player, maybe only a...