"CEO Peer groups in general are so valuable. You're with 10-11 other successful CEOs on a consistent basis."
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Benefits of a CEO Peer Group • CEO Advisory Boards • Transformations
Why Join A CEO Peer Group?
“CEO peer groups are a great opportunity not only to be challenged, but to see and understand things that you may not have experienced yet, help prepare you in advance for the next stage of growth or challenges your company may go through, and most of all, to be part of a small group of people who really do understand what you go through day to day.”
Not Enough Time For A CEO Peer Group?
“I have realized the value I get out of stepping away… how re-energized I felt when I got back. I was able to take more action in the weeks following one of my CEO peer group meetings than any other time. I’m taking the time to really think through solutions and I have a clear path ahead of me and can go back and share that with my organization.”
You can’t put a price tag on it. Every time I get together with this group I come out with nuggets that are 5 and 6 figures at least. I would say that being in a peer group and not being on an island as a CEO/President/Founder is critical, and having some kind of a sounding board is so beneficial.
Let’s Hear From CEO Peer Group Members
Just A Few of Our Members