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Managing Millennials in the Workforce

Managing Millennials in the Workforce

In this episode of The Lazy CEO Podcast, Jim Schleckser sits down with Robert Bell, the Tech Lead, Software Consultant, and Developer at Atomic Object. Together, they talk about the characteristics that make the millennial workforce unique and how to attract this group of employees. They also share the positive attributes of millennials in the workforce, the importance of people-first culture for millennials, and these employees’ biggest motivators.

Managing Millennials in the Workforce

Effective Negotiation Part 2

In today’s episode of The Lazy CEO Podcast, Jim Schleckser discusses techniques for effective negotiations. He explains how to identify an adversary’s needs, how to negotiate price to reach an advantageous solution, and the importance of expressing gratitude at the conclusion of a negotiation.

Managing Millennials in the Workforce

Effective Negotiation Part 1

In today’s episode of The Lazy CEO Podcast, Jim Schleckser talks about navigating collaborative and adversarial negotiations. He explains how to negotiate to reach common ground, how to identify and counter adversarial negotiation approaches, and how to leverage confrontational tactics to reach a solution.

Entrepreneurship – Part 2

In this episode of The Lazy CEO Podcast, Jim Schleckser continues his conversation with Joel Trammell, the Founder of Texas CEO Magazine and the Co-founder of American CEO. They talk about what makes a good business and a bad business, the characteristics a CEO must have, and the most common issues CEOs usually face. Joel also talks about what he learned from his many businesses through the years and the secret to his most successful ventures.