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Company Talent is Owned By The Company

Company Talent is Owned By The Company

Company talent hoarding can reduce results and send top performers running. When you look at the talent inside your business, there are always a few stars and emerging leaders who really stand out. These are your so-called “A players.” When your management...
Difficulty Hiring? It Might be the Job

Difficulty Hiring? It Might be the Job

If the last five people have failed in a job, it isn’t the people, it’s the job In my conversations with CEOs, they often bring up that they are having difficulty hiring for certain job openings–even in the wake of the pandemic where more people find...
How to Get Promoted

How to Get Promoted

Take on the responsibilities of the next role to show you can do the work first When I was growing up, my dad gave me a piece of advice that I think is worth passing on. He told me that if I wanted to get a promotion at work, the best way to get it was to take the...