Young Managers Need to Learn About Generational Differences Too. I’ve written before about how people come for the organization’s mission but leave because of their manager when it comes to hiring and retention. That’s why it’s so critical for...
Successful People Know That There Are Six Kinds of Power That You Can Earn in An Organization and Only A Few of Them Are Given By The Company. What kind of power do you have in your organization? And by that I mean can you get other people to do what you want them to?...
Why is Succession Planning So Important? Why should you think about succession planning? Why is it important? Let’s go back and talk about the evolution of CEO behaviors regarding how they engage with the company. In the beginning, you are a player, maybe only a...
Look at Where You Spend Your Time as a Leader to See Who You Might Be Covering For. I deal with many CEOS who are incredibly capable at their job. They can also do the job of many of the people who work for them. They may even be an expert in their area. The problem...
As a Leader, are You Overmanaging? A leadership concept that goes back about 60 years is called Theory X versus Theory Y. Leaders typically fall into one of these two management styles. If you believe in Theory X, it means you don’t trust the people who work for...
Every leader’s goal should be to find that Goldilocks just right amount. One of the things I struggled with the most was motivation in management. Was I doling out enough praise to those employees who reported to me? I can now see that I was stingier than I...