With the rise in popularity of people pursuing MBAs in recent years, there’s been a spike in the reliance on analytics in business decisions. If you don’t have data to back up your position, you come across as unprepared, even unprofessional. You can thank...
Many people talk about leadership principles or values these days. But what often happens is that they get printed on a poster, hung on a wall – and then quickly forgotten. No one actually lives those values, or frankly, can even remember them. Amazon is...
As entrepreneurs who run growing companies, it’s tempting to operate your organization as lean and mean as you can. That’s why when it comes to hiring people, you tend to think in mainly terms of two categories: executives and individual contributors. We know we need...
Over the past few years, we have become accustomed to an extreme level of transparency in our lives. If you want to go shop for a new TV, for example, there are endless comparison sites online where you can compare everything from feature sets to the ease of set up...
There is common link between your leadership style, call it your personal leadership brand, and the kind of brand relationship you have with your customers. Namely, you have a choice to make: do you want to be respected or loved? Let me explain. Let’s start by...
Anyone who has kids or spends any time with them knows what I’m referring to. Inevitably, you will get to a point where a young child learns to express him or herself by being very vocal about what they don’t want to do. You know what happens, too, when...