Negotiation Tips: Flinch, Reflect, and Go Silent A Simple Technique to Get a Concession There are plenty of standard methodologies and techniques people rely on when it comes to handling negotiations, in everything from haggling over a yard sale purchase all the way...
Should Former CEOs Join the Board? The answer is more complicated than you might think. It’s become common practice that when CEOs leave their position, it’s assumed that they will continue with the company as a member of its board–maybe even as...
Why is Succession Planning So Important? Why should you think about succession planning? Why is it important? Let’s go back and talk about the evolution of CEO behaviors regarding how they engage with the company. In the beginning, you are a player, maybe only a...
Tips for Effectively Managing Gen Z The Generation Definitions Let’s start with a bit of definitional work. GENERATION Years Population Baby Boomers 1946 – 1964 74 million Gen X 1965 – 1980 66 million Millennials 1981 – 1996 80 million Gen Z 1997 – 2012 74...
A Conversation with a Millennial Today, we’re going to talk about millennial retention, how to attract them to your business, and how to keep them around. And we’ve captured a millennial in the wild, and he’s going to weigh in as we break down both....
Look at Where You Spend Your Time as a Leader to See Who You Might Be Covering For. I deal with many CEOS who are incredibly capable at their job. They can also do the job of many of the people who work for them. They may even be an expert in their area. The problem...