by Jim Schleckser | Jul 5, 2018 | Business
Put the bottom line up front to be a great communicator. When most people communicate or have an update to share at work, either in an email or with a verbal report, they love to share their entire intellectual journey. They tend to start at the beginning, and then...
by Jim Schleckser | May 18, 2018 | Business
A three-tiered approach to the monetization of data that follows the framework of Aggregation, Analytics, and Actionable Predictions. Just about every business is awash in data these days. From data about your customers and their buying habits to data about the market...
by Jim Schleckser | May 6, 2018 | Business
How to Win a No-Win Scenario The best negotiators don’t look for win-win behaviors, they try to find a lose-lose compromise that everyone can accept. When it comes to negotiating a deal, we have all been taught to try and find a so-called “win-win”...
by Jim Schleckser | Apr 7, 2018 | Business
What do you do when someone who is unquestionably brilliant is also a jerk? We all work with someone who is unquestionably brilliant. You know the type: the person who consistently comes up with great insights and ideas and who can cut to the quick far faster than...
by Jim Schleckser | Mar 27, 2018 | Business
“Honesty is a very expensive gift; just don’t expect it from cheap people” – Warren Buffet During your career, there will multiple occasions where you will have the opportunity to get feedback, good and bad. Sometimes people will ask you if you...
by Jim Schleckser | Mar 21, 2018 | Business
Don’t Waste Your Breath, Make it Matter Thousands of hours have been wasted talking about mission statements that are, quite frankly, boring. The best mission statements are both inspirational and to the point. Mission statements are critically important to your...