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Controlling Company Debt: 6 Things to Do

Controlling Company Debt: 6 Things to Do

There are ways to relieve the pressure and survive. Any business leader can find themselves confronting circumstances where their company has more debt than it should. I’ve written before about the appropriate level of debt for companies to target, which is...
Joining a Board of Directors: What to Consider

Joining a Board of Directors: What to Consider

There are a few questions you need to ask yourself before taking on the big commitment of joining a board of directors. As many of us entrepreneurs progress in our careers over time, especially as we get older, we can develop an interest in serving on boards of other...
Company Talent is Owned By The Company

Company Talent is Owned By The Company

Company talent hoarding can reduce results and send top performers running. When you look at the talent inside your business, there are always a few stars and emerging leaders who really stand out. These are your so-called “A players.” When your management...