If your business isn’t performing how you want it, maybe in terms of its profitability, it might be time to examine your cost basis. I’ve written before about the power of price increases and negotiating with suppliers, but you might be at the point where...
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn about leading leaders: Sam Watson, The CEO Project member, and CEO of a multinational conglomerate shares his background Key to success for leaders leading leaders The impact of recurring or repeatable business In this Episode…...
Are you planning to win your next negotiation? Use these 3 negotiation planning strategies to go beyond your gut and intuition. You would be amazed at how many people go into a negotiation without any pre-planning regarding their strategy. These folks go in hoping...
The Great Reassessment Episode at a Glance: What is the Great Reassessment? 66% of people do not feel valued in what they do Over 50% of the senior people interviewed believe they’re contributing less than 50% of their capability to their organization. Purpose...
Many Leaders Overlook Their Responsibility in Succession Planning One of the responsibilities that can be difficult, even for great CEOs, is to make time for the succession planning process. While it’s human nature not to think too far into the future, you owe...