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always be recruiting

Why You Should Always Be Recruiting

by Jan 14, 2025Business, HR, Leadership, Talent

Always Be Recruiting – ABR is the New Mantra

In today’s competitive job market, the “Always Be Recruiting” (ABR) mindset has become essential. Organizations often struggle to fill critical roles because there are simply more open positions than qualified candidates. Waiting months to find the right person can take a hit on the growth and progress of the organization.

That’s why you need a proactive approach: always be on the lookout for talent, even when no position is open.

Let’s explore why ABR matters and how you can start building a pipeline of A-players for your team.

The Problem With Reactive Recruiting

Many leaders fall into the trap of only recruiting when a vacancy arises. For instance, when you lose a software developer, you search for someone with the exact coding skills to fill that gap.

While this approach is logical, it’s also reactive—and limits your ability to build the strongest team.

The Solution? Start Accumulating Talent.

accumulate talent

Accumulate Talent 24/7 Because Mindset Matters More Than Skills

It makes sense that you recruit people with those skills when you have an open position requiring a specific set of skills, like a computer programmer familiar with a particular coding language. It’s not controversial to think like this.

But I’m suggesting it’s time to adopt a new mindset about recruiting: you should always seek to acquire the best talent.

Imagine running a baseball team. Would you wait until a player gets injured to sign talent? Or would you seize the opportunity to recruit top athletes whenever you find them, trusting they can learn and adapt to any position?

The same principle applies to business. Instead of focusing solely on skills for specific roles, prioritize these two traits:

  • High Performance: Seek individuals who consistently deliver results.
  • Lifelong Learning: Look for people who adapt, grow, and pick up new skills to meet challenges.

These A-players bring tremendous value over time, regardless of their starting position. As the saying goes: “Talent wins in the long run.”

Be Proactive, Not Reactive, While Hunting for Talent

When I led sales teams, I lived by the ABR mantra. I actively sought highly motivated people, regardless of whether I had a job available. I knew that A-players would quickly add value, and I could always figure out where to place them.

Here’s how I did it:

  • Industry Trade Shows: These events were my “hunting grounds.” I connected with top salespeople, including competitors’ talent.
  • Building Relationships: I stayed in touch with these individuals, nurturing connections until the right opportunity arose.
  • Betting on ROI: I trusted that great salespeople would deliver a positive return on investment (ROI) within 6–12 months—even if they started in unfamiliar industries.

This approach paid off every single time. By proactively recruiting, I built a high-performing team that drove the entire organization’s success.

Why You Should Always Be Recruiting

To build a winning organization, you must constantly accumulate talent. The best leaders treat recruiting as an ongoing process, not an episodic event.

Here’s why you should embrace the Always Be Recruiting mindset:

  • Opportunistic Hiring: Top talent won’t wait for your job openings. Grab the opportunity when you find someone exceptional.
  • Talent Pipelines: Build a pipeline of potential hires for future roles, reducing delays when positions open up.
  • Team Performance: Over time, a team filled with A-players will outperform competitors and drive your business forward.

Practical Steps to Implement ABR

  1. Shift Your Mindset: Stop waiting for job openings. Think of recruiting as an everyday activity.
  2. Identify A-Players: Look for high performers and learners in your industry, at events, or even within your competitors’ teams.
  3. Nurture Relationships: Build rapport and stay connected with potential hires, even if you don’t have an immediate need.
  4. Trust the ROI: When you find a great candidate, hire them and figure out their role later—they’ll deliver results.

The Bottom Line—Talent Wins

As a leader, your success depends on your team. To build an A-player team, adopt the “Always Be Recruiting” (ABR) mindset.

Don’t wait for positions to open—be proactive, opportunistic, and consistent in hunting for top talent. By accumulating the best people, you’ll position your organization to win in the long run.


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