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Mercenary or Patriot -Which Should You Hire?

Mercenary or Patriot -Which Should You Hire?

Think of What You Value in an Employee When you’re hiring, think beyond the skills and experience a candidate might have and assess whether you want a patriot or a mercenary. When you’re thinking about hiring people, especially those in...
Why You Need to Honestly Assess Your Talent

Why You Need to Honestly Assess Your Talent

Save the Sugarcoating to Cereals Many companies rate their talent well above average. Besides being untrue, this is a dangerous strategy as your top performers will leave you if you do. In the mythical town of Lake Wobegon, made famous by Garrison Keillor on National...
The 1 Best Question to Use in an Interview

The 1 Best Question to Use in an Interview

No Need to Beat Around the Buse There is a single question that you can use to assess whether candidates understand the job and if they are A or C players. The secret to hiring your next great employee might come down to how someone answers a single question. And you...