by Jim Schleckser | Oct 10, 2017 | Business, Compensation, Culture, Decision Making, Entrepreneur, Leadership
There are many parallels in running a business and running your life – especially when it comes to deciding whether to throw time or money at solving a problem. The there is a catch in knowing when and how to value your time over money. For example, when...
by Jim Schleckser | Jul 20, 2017 | Entrepreneur, Growth, Leadership, Sales
When you’re trying to do business with someone in a way where ultimately you’d like him or her to purchase something from you, there is a little secret you can use to vastly improve your success rate. It all comes down to following a simple sequence: tell,...
by Jim Schleckser | Jun 14, 2017 | Leadership
No Stuff is the “Small Stuff” Kids and employees have an amazing ability to pick up when our behaviors don’t match up with our words. For those of you who are parents, you will be all too familiar with the fact that we tend to say one thing, but do...
by Jim Schleckser | May 24, 2016 | Decision Making, Delegation, Entrepreneur, Leadership, Management
Anyone who has kids or spends any time with them knows what I’m referring to. Inevitably, you will get to a point where a young child learns to express him or herself by being very vocal about what they don’t want to do. You know what happens, too, when...
by Jim Schleckser | Feb 4, 2016 | Leadership
Staying the Course Mission drift is an irresistible force. You need to build in measures to help you avoid suffering from this crisis of identity. If you don’t, you might end up running a company that is very different than the one you intended to build. As...
by Jim Schleckser | Nov 17, 2015 | Culture, Leadership
If you don’t constantly reinforce your organization’s mission and values, you’ll get the blame when something inevitably goes wrong. We hear a lot these days about the importance of building a great company culture, which you can think of as your...