by Jim Schleckser | Feb 1, 2019 | Leadership
Silence is the Source of Great Strength A book came out within the past few years that has become quite popular. It’s called Quiet by Susan Cain, where she writes about the power of introverts to remain silent and focused in a noisy world. Cain makes the...
by Jim Schleckser | Jan 18, 2019 | Leadership
And there is an easy way to figure out which manager. Turnover of any kind inside a company can be problematic – especially these days when everyone is engaged in a war for talent. But that’s especially true when it comes to your star employees – the...
by Jim Schleckser | Jan 8, 2019 | Budget, Business, Customers, Entrepreneur, Leadership
I recently received a fancy fitness monitor as a gift. It tracks my heart rate as well as a bevy of other stats about my body, everything from how much I sleep, how well I sleep, to how my heart rate changes during exercise. The amount of data now at my fingertips is...
by Jim Schleckser | Jan 4, 2019 | Leadership
Rule #1 – Don’t Stand Behind a Pie Ducker in a Food Fight We’ve all had the experience of working together with our boss or a co-worker that develops an idea we have into something our firm can actually act on. Oftentimes, that can mean that you need...
by Jim Schleckser | Dec 4, 2018 | Leadership
It can be annoying, but it gets results It’s all too common to be having a conversation with someone only to have that person take a very black-or-white stance about some situation or decision that they are recommending. The problem with this is that it can be...
by Jim Schleckser | Nov 19, 2018 | Leadership
It Isn’t Just Names in Boxes – Structure Makes the Strategy Happen A common question that gets brought up in our work with CEO peer groups is how organizations should be structured in order to achieve the best results. The issue CEOs struggle with is how...