Discussing Common Negotiating Techniques That Work Let’s start with common ground. This idea came out of the Harvard negotiating project with a book called Getting to Yes. The book is 25 or 30 years old, but I tell you, it works. It’s my preferred...
Tips For Bringing Capital into Your Business Why Do We Need Capital? There are two reasons for raising capital. One reason is to fund growth, and that could be capital used for things that move over time and things that don’t change over time. Things that change...
Successful People Know That There Are Six Kinds of Power That You Can Earn in An Organization and Only A Few of Them Are Given By The Company. What kind of power do you have in your organization? And by that I mean can you get other people to do what you want them to?...
Why is Succession Planning So Important? Why should you think about succession planning? Why is it important? Let’s go back and talk about the evolution of CEO behaviors regarding how they engage with the company. In the beginning, you are a player, maybe only a...
Tips for Effectively Managing Gen Z The Generation Definitions Let’s start with a bit of definitional work. GENERATION Years Population Baby Boomers 1946 – 1964 74 million Gen X 1965 – 1980 66 million Millennials 1981 – 1996 80 million Gen Z 1997 – 2012 74...
A Conversation with a Millennial Today, we’re going to talk about millennial retention, how to attract them to your business, and how to keep them around. And we’ve captured a millennial in the wild, and he’s going to weigh in as we break down both....