by Jim Schleckser | Jul 19, 2016 | Acquisitions, Business, Decision Making, Entrepreneur, Growth
Entrepreneurs regularly ask whether or not they should sell their company to a private-equity firm and is it a victory or a defeat when they do. It depends. If you own a company, you’ve probably received a call or a letter from a private-equity firm. You may...
by Jim Schleckser | May 24, 2016 | Decision Making, Delegation, Entrepreneur, Leadership, Management
Anyone who has kids or spends any time with them knows what I’m referring to. Inevitably, you will get to a point where a young child learns to express him or herself by being very vocal about what they don’t want to do. You know what happens, too, when...
by Jim Schleckser | Oct 6, 2015 | Business, Decision Making, Entrepreneur, Growth, Strategy
Great strategy isn’t what separates the great companies from all the rest. It’s executing a simple strategy in a highly repeatable way that returns quality to customers and value to investors that makes them truly stand apart. Everyone loves strategy....
by Jim Schleckser | Jul 2, 2015 | Business, Decision Making, Delegation, Leadership, Management
I have written before about people who have high information needs. You might call them “infomaniacs.” These are folks, or even organizational cultures, that prioritize making decisions using data, metrics, and plenty of analysis. And don’t get me...
by Jim Schleckser | Mar 10, 2015 | Business, Decision Making, Delegation, Entrepreneur, Leadership, Strategy
One of the most important jobs any leader does is decide what issues to tackle inside the organization at any given time. But how do you choose which ones are the most critical? Risk is a major component in deciding what comes first. Consider the analogy of a naval...