Every business leader should possess a fundamental grasp of accounting. It’s not about becoming an accountant; rather, it’s about acquiring enough knowledge to avoid being deceived or deceiving oneself. There is one specific area where accounting...
If your business isn’t performing how you want it, maybe in terms of its profitability, it might be time to examine your cost basis. I’ve written before about the power of price increases and negotiating with suppliers, but you might be at the point where...
I recently received a fancy fitness monitor as a gift. It tracks my heart rate as well as a bevy of other stats about my body, everything from how much I sleep, how well I sleep, to how my heart rate changes during exercise. The amount of data now at my fingertips is...
We’re about to head into budget season, the point in the year where everyone starts projecting what they’re going to do next year. As you go about setting your own budgets, consider a few words of caution: Don’t be a hero. What I mean by this is that...
As a leader inside an organization, there is a fundamental question you should be constantly using when it comes to making decisions: Will your customer pay for it? Asking this question is a particularly elegant way of helping you streamline your organization by...