As a Leader, Resist the Temptation to Solve Problems Yourself. It’s expected that, as a leader, people come to you with a problem they want you to help them solve. And, as leaders, solving problems is something you’re likely very good at. You might even...
Look Beyond the Price Tag and the Term Sheet to Identify the Best Buyer. There comes a point in every entrepreneur’s life when you begin to consider selling a business. There are plenty of reasons, maybe millions of reasons. Perhaps you’re ready to retire....
The Benefits of Work-Life Balance Let’s start with why would you want some work-life balance. There are a lot of arguments that people with balanced life don’t get a lot of exciting stuff done, right? It would help if you were unbalanced to get some...
Internal Candidates are Your Best Bet–Unless it’s Time for a Strategic Shakeup. If you serve on a company’s board–whether it’s a startup or a larger, public company–you’ll face the prospect of CEO selection someday. There are...
What Does Your View of a Work-Life Balance Look Like? When I have conversations about entrepreneurial companies with bankers, it’s pretty common to hear bankers look down on some businesses as “just a lifestyle business.” The bankers are saying that...