How Do You Want to be Remembered? When someone reaches the end of their life, it’s typical for someone close to them to read a eulogy in their honor; something that captures the person’s essence, the things that made them unique. For example, I was...
There is a Relationship Between Recurring Revenue and Sales. I’ve written before about recurring revenue and how powerful it is. Not only does it create a source of predictable revenue, but it also boosts the valuation of your business. It can even help you get...
It’s Not What You Know; it’s Who You Know. As many individuals enter the prime of their careers or even shift into retirement, the idea of landing a board seat can be compelling for multiple reasons. That might include a source of income in...
Negotiation Tips: Flinch, Reflect, and Go Silent A Simple Technique to Get a Concession There are plenty of standard methodologies and techniques people rely on when it comes to handling negotiations, in everything from haggling over a yard sale purchase all the way...
Appropriately Scaling Growth Comes From Hiring Ordinary People into a System. In the early days of any company, you need to solve problems by hiring the absolute best person you can who can tackle them. For example, if you’re trying to ramp up sales fast, you...