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Run Your Business Like You Are Never Selling
Make Your Moves With The Future In Mind To get the best value when selling your business, keep your focus on building...
Treat Your Business Partnership Like a Marriage
Til Death (of the Business) Do You Part Business partnerships fail frequently. But we can learn from how people in...
The 1 Best Question to Use in an Interview
No Need to Beat Around the Buse There is a single question that you can use to assess whether candidates understand...
Is Selling to Private Equity a Victory or a Defeat?
Entrepreneurs regularly ask whether or not they should sell their company to a private-equity firm and is it a victory...
Want to Win? Keep Your Strategy Short and Sweet
K.I.S.S. (Keep it Simple, Stupid) When it comes to communicating about your strategy with your organization, and...
The Secret Ratio Great Leaders Use to Evaluate Talent
Talking the Talk vs. Walking the Walk Great leaders focus on what we can call the "Talk/Do" ratio. Put simply, they...
Why Great Leaders Need to Say, ‘I Don’t Want To’
Anyone who has kids or spends any time with them knows what I'm referring to. Inevitably, you will get to a point...
Turn Your Business into a Growth Machine with the Golden Rule
No doubt you have all heard of the Golden Rule, which is often summarized as, "treat others, as you would want to be...
How to Avoid Mission Drift and Stay True To Your Purpose
Staying the Course Mission drift is an irresistible force. You need to build in measures to help you avoid suffering...
One Trial Learner: Failure Isn’t an Option
Failure Isn't an Option. It's a Lesson Great CEOs accept that in order to innovate, then failure isn't an option -...
Manage Your Culture … or Someone Else Will
If you don't constantly reinforce your organization's mission and values, you'll get the blame when something...
Warren Buffet’s Secrets to Stop Worrying
First, Take a Breath Warren Buffett, who has billions of reasons to be worried, uses these six steps to free himself...