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Boost Business Performance

“We improved our business performance and are now more profitable because we shifted our focus to a market niche our competitors overlooked.”

Schedule An Appointment

Reach New Levels of Performance

There’s no greater contributor to business performance than the performance of its CEO, which is why we’re focused on accelerating the impact our members have on their businesses.

We conducted in-depth interviews with more than 1,000 successful CEOs and found that exceptional CEOs accomplish more in less time. In fact, these leaders consistently outperformed average CEOs by a factor of 5x. Our findings inspired our purpose, informed our methods, and are well-documented in the book Great CEOs are Lazy, written by CEO and founder Jim Schleckser.

Results In Action

Sontiq results

Result: Acquired by TransUnion (NYSE: TRU)

$638M Valuation


Dale Dabbs

Dale Dabbs, CEO

10 Year Member of The CEO Project

“The CEO Project helped me have an accelerated growth strategy which resulted in a phenomenal exit for the business. It was very financially rewarding for myself and several of our key people.”

MEP results

Result: Acquired by US Acute Care Solutions

23% CAGR Growth

Acquired at a multiple of 8x EBITDA

Mike Cetta

Mike Cetta, Managing Partner

6 Year Member of The CEO Project

“As MEP expanded rapidly, the challenge of implementing a scalable ownership model became a critical issue. Insights from a CEO peer group prompted a strategic pivot that fostered recognition for both local and founding physicians.”

Members say the impact our organization has on CEOs is outstanding and the other Members in the group are great colleagues and friends. It’s our job to make sure you grow and do it with a great business advisory group comprised of other CEOs.

You and your business are stuck, and you are not making enough progress.

You need new resources and perspective to take your company to the next level.

Your business is facing a significant, specific challenge.

You could get the insight of some smart people that have been through this before.

You know what you need to do to improve your business but the day to day is getting in the way

You need an objective outsider to help you prioritize and hold you accountable.

Because you are the CEO, your team won't challenge you to make your ideas better.

You need an objective sounding board of peers, that aren’t afraid to challenge you.

You are thinking of selling your business.

You need the right tools and resources to do this right.

Measured Actions = Measured Results

business performance improvement cycle

We use diagnostic tools to chart where you are today, which includes:

  • Growth Leader Profile™ during your initial interview with our advisor
  • Business InSight™ that serves as a scorecard to monitor progress
  • Time Tracker™ to monitor and categorize where your time is allocated

We also utilize strategic tools, such as:

  • The Decision Blueprint™ to map out a particular point of constraint and organize its presentation for discussion and feedback during peer meetings
  • Project Accelerator™ to use the theory of constraint to run projects – a totally different approach that improves the potential of success or lets you kill projects early